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Monday, 17 August 2015

GRAPEFRUIT Unblocks the arteries and cleanses the blood

IF ONE HAS NEVER tasted a grapefruit, the first experience may some what disconcerting: less sweet than an orange , less acid than a lemon, and a little sour. At first,this original combination of flavors may seem strange ,but one soon becomes accustomed to it.

The grapefruit is largest of the citrus fruits. it has been the object of the most scientific research in recent years. as much for its composition as for its medicinal properties, the grapefruit is surprising investigators, who continue focusing their attention on this fruit.

PROPERTIES AND INDICATIONS: Grapefruit pulp contains a moderate amount of carbohydrates and very few proteins and lipids. Among its vitamins the most prominent is C (34.4mg/100g), although less than the orange.
53.2mg/100g),or the lemon (46mg/100g). As for mineral salt ,its virtual lack of sodium is noteworthy, as is its rather elevated potassium content, in addition to a certain amount of calcium and magnesium.

 Since the nutritional content,of the grapefruit is fairly low , most of its therapeutic properties are attributed to non-nutritive components of the fruit. these accompanying substances, which are found in all plant-based foods and do not form part of any of the classical groups of nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals), are precisely those that excite the most interest within the scientific community.

  Although the grapefruit contains hundreds of non-nutritive components, as dose the orange, the function of only a few is understood. Among these are pectin flvonoids, carotenoids,and limonoids.

1.PECTIN: This is a type of soluble vegetable fiber found in many fruit such as citrus and apples. vaegetablefiberwas the first non-nutritive food componentto be studied because of its medicinal effects. Grapefruit  pectin is found in the fiber forming its pulp and in the whitish layer just below the skin  and between the sections. This fiber stands out for its arterial protection and its anti-cholesterol effects as demonstrated in numerous scientific experiments.


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