Peas(The Heart's Friends)
You May have been one of those children that caefully separated peas from other foods on your plate to avoid eating them. If so, there is still time to give these little seeds another try,partcularly if you sufffer from coronary disease.Peas |
PROPERTIES AND INDICATIONS: Raw peas contains 78.9% water. Dried peas have much less, while cooked and canned peas have more. As has been done throughout this work the raw, fresh food is the point of reference. There are various notworthy nutrients in Peas:
- Carbohydrates: Peas contains a significant amount (9.63%), although less than the potato (16.4%). These are primary constituted of starch with a small amount of saccharose. STARCH cannot absorbed dirrectly into the bloodstream. It must first be converted to glucose throuhg the digestions process, which begins in the mouth. In order for the starch in peas to be well disgested they must be well chewed.
- Proteins:Their content (5.42%) is greater than that of potatoes (2.07%) and is close to that of grains such as rice (6.61%), although much less than other legumes such as beans (23.4%). The proteins in peas are quite complete, although there is a relative lack of the essential amino acid methionine, and excess lysine. On the other hand, grains are very rich in methionine and lacking in lysine. Therefore the combination of peas and grains provides the body with all of the amino acids necessary to produce its own proteins.
Peas |
- B complex vitamins: One hundred grams of peas supplies 0.266 mg of vitamin B1, which represents 15% of RDA for an adult male. Deficiency of this vitamin causes the diseases of beriberi, characterized by heart failure and nervous disorders. AAdditionally, peas are a good source of vitamins B1,B6,niacin,and folates, all of which are necessary for the proper function of the heart and nervous system.
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