Brazil Nuts
Brazil Nuts (Rich in vitamin B1)THE TREE that produces Brazil nuts stands out among tropical trees because of its majesty and beauty. However, efforts to cultivate them have failed to the point that most of the commercially available nuts are from wild trees in the Amazon basin.
Brazil Nuts |
PROPERTIES AND INDICATIONS: Brazil nuts contains more than 66.2% fat that becomes rancid quite easily. These are composed of up to 25% saturated fatty aicds. Togther with the palmand coconuts, this is one of the vegetable fats richest in this type of fatty acid,and,therefore,are the least advisable from a dietary standpoint. They should not be eaten to excess, particularly in cases of elevated cholesterol.
Brazil nuts are rich in proteins(14.3%) vitamin E,and minerals(phosphorous,magnesium,calcium, and iron).
But their most important dietary property is their high vitamin B1 content, higher than meat,milk,or eggs. Only wheat germs,brewer's yeast,sunflower seeds, and pine nuts contains more vitamin B1 than Brazil nuts.
This makes them appropriate for those suffering from nervous disorders, such as irritability, depression,memory loss,and lack of concertration or mental performance.
Those who are following a treatment plan to stop smoking can include Brazil nuts in their diet because of the desirable effects of vitamin B1 on the nervous system.
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