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Saturday, 28 February 2015

Heart Foods

Cherimoya Food for the Heart

Cherimoya: Strengthens the heart

IT IS NOT EASY to describe the flavor of the cherimoya to one who has not experience it. For some it is reminisced of the strawberry, for others it tastes like pineapple, for still others it is like a pear or a banana. But one thing is certain: the creamy white pulp of the cherimoya has a unique flavor of its own that evokes the delightful aromas of the tropics.

The Cherimoya is typical of the Andean region. Its name is derived from the Quechua word Chirimuya. Even though it is a tropical fruit,it grows at high elevations. Natives of the Andean Altiplano have a saying theat although the Cherimoya cannot tolerate snow , it likes to see it in the mountains.
Perhaps  it is because of this that the Cherimoya has adapted so well to the warm valleys near the Sierra Nevada in the province of Granada in Southern Spain. Most of Europe’s Cherimoya production is  concentrated in these uniquely beautiful subtropical Andalusian landscapes, while in the distance  are the snow-covered peaks of the Sierra.


 The Cherimoya stands out for its sugar content (about then 21%). Among these fructose and saccharose predominate. Its protein and fat content is very low.

Among the vitamins present in the Cherimoya, those of the B group are the most prominent: B1 or thiamin, B2 or riboflavin,B6 or pyridoxine and niacin.

Where mineral are concerned, the Cherimoya’s richness in calcium, phosphorus, iron, and potassium is outstanding. Only oranges, loquats, dates, and raspberries have more calcium.

Its energy content of 94 calories per 100g is considered, bearing in mind that this is a fresh fruits. Cherimoyas are recommended for all ages, particularly for adolescents. Athletes and students also will gain energy together with the vitamins and minerals appropriate to their activities

The diet therapeutic application of Cherimoyas are:

•    Heart  failure: the cherimoyas provides a significant amount of energy in the form of sugars, together with B group vitamins present in the Cherimoya act as catalyst  or facilitators of the combustion of carbohydrates, and also fatty acids,which constitute the two most important energy sources for the heart’s cells.

•    Stomach ailments: the cherimoya’s creamy ,smooth pulp, together with its antacid effect, is beneficial to the stomach. It is highly recommended in case of gastritis and gastroduodenal  ulcer.

•    Obesity: In spite of their relatively high carbohydrate content ,Cherimoyas are quite effective in weight –loss treatment. This is because of their satiating effect.

•    In addition to satisfying the appetite,Cheromiyas are naturally  invigorating because of their high nutrient content. This allows the reduction of calories.


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